Prelim Task | Overview

On the hole I was very satisfied with how the whole prelim task went. A skill that had seemed very technically overwhelming in fact wasn't so bad. Throughout the whole Prelim task I have learnt many things which will help me with putting together a thriller opening title sequence. For example how to properly set up a camera to shoot the scene by using things such as white balancing and focus, when it came to actually shooting the sequence making sure that as a director you are firm with your decisions and if it wasn't filmed right to redo the whole scene. 

In the editing process the most important thing i learnt was to cut together shots as they are mid action e.g if a man was coming through a door you should cut half way through not as he was shutting the door. 

The one thing that helps a lot and i will take over to when i make my thriller would be organising my rushes into bins and renaming them because it makes it much easier as well as quicker when you are in the editing process.

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