Music Video Timeline

This is our timeline with detail to exactly what sort of shots we want to create and the framing we want to achieve. It also shows timings and the lyrics or music playing during the shot, this also organises our shots and makes it easier to plan our shoot day when it comes closer. It also helps when trying to see what sort of look we are going with and how we are representing our artist.

1 comment:

  1. Jake

    Excellent blogging.

    Great timeline and well presented - do you need more shots?. You recognise the need to structure the music video and match lyric and image well. This is also recognised a holistic and malleable document which will assist the development of your concept. Please use as a basis for further research ad planning and your storyboard. You have also blogged extremely well your notes on Passion Pictures and Ollie Allgrove. Well done.


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