Location Recce

Yesterday we went to our chosen location which is Chillworth Gunpowder Mill to recce the location and work out what we can do at different parts of the location. This was very helpful as it also allowed us to sort out planning issues such as how we were going to get the kit down to the mill and our dancers as well. We were able to find a road that goes right past the location so we can drop all the kit there and park the van somewhere else.We worked out three different performances we can do at the location to fill our video with content.

The first is the dance which was already part of the video but we were able to find a nice open area where the girls will have plenty of room to dance and perform. The background is also a large damaged concrete wall which fits our urban theme very well.

The next place we found to set up a performance is one of the deep pits along the mill, there are a huge number of these pits and we found one where Hannah can stand in the middle on top of a concrete block. The girls can all be around her on the floor while she performs.

The last area were we can film is lots of little pick up shots around the area, we are very lucky to be able to film at this very cool location and there are many different areas to film which will allow us to have a large amount of varied shots. Bellow is a bunch of different areas were we can set up a scene.

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