

For our Thriller we only need two locations to film, an apartment or a house and a room with a safe or a bank vault. Obviously it would be hard to film in an actual bank due to filming permissions and budget so our next option is to build a safe and film in the studio.

For the Son's scene for the house we have many options but there are problems to these such as transportation and permission. We could use anyone of our own houses but they are quite far away and it may be difficult to film two locations so far away from each other. We could use the one of the head of houses apartments if we were allowed because they are much closer to campus and would make a lot more sense.


After receiving feedback from Matt, Luke and Paul our idea has changed mainly due to the fact that it would be quite hard to pull of a bank robbery on film. So instead we are using a car that has some form of valuable item in it, possible the sons father, this means that we have to change the location of the opening sequence. We also decided to cut out the scene with the boy in the apartment because we believed that it was unnecessary and created confusion. Instead we have decided to film on a country road which is very easy to do because we are surrounded by country roads at Hurtwood. The issue is that the road is for public use and might be a hassle to film on, the other option is to use private roads such as the one towards B-Webb House but the problem is is that its quite open and what we are looking for is quite secluded and looks like there isn't civilisation nearby. The places where we need to film is inside the boot of a car, the front and back of the white van and also out on the country road. Because we are filming outside there are some issues we have to take precaution for things such as the weather, We are also filming on a road which is private but we might have to move the car out of the way due to people driving in and out.

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