Feedback to our rough cut

Yesterday we got some audience feedback to the rough cut we made last week. We got a group of 7 people to ask a number of questions to do with the video, such as  what element of the video do you think there needs to more of and so on. The general consensus of the group was positive, they all said that they would watch the video again and some of them said they would buy the type of music, this was really positive and help us boost our confidence. We also got some very helpful constructive criticism such as we need to introduce the outside element earlier so the video has a bit more variation but they also said that maybe to include a male figure so that boys can relate to the video. Bellow is the video containing the full audience feedback


1 comment:

  1. Excellent editing of your video and great that you have completed this. Well done. Good reflection on the test audience's feedback. You have worked well on the final edit this week – with some was creative decision making. You filmed the Ferro fluid through in the studio – organised and this should be blogged along with its outcomes. Fully evaluate the editing process.


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